I went out with a bunch of people whom honestly, I never thought I would. They are nice people and don't deserve to be judged.
I had a fun time with them.
Their craziness and their attempts to speak chinese always makes me laugh.
To them, chinese is spoken this way : Chi Chu Chong Shi Shua and what not.
yes, it is funny. They way they always fail to immitate me speaking in chinese is very, very funny =p
They are fun people.
Hanging out with them is certainly a different way to spend your Saturday afternoon =)
This, might be the most imperfect group photo. but i like it =)
And behind camera is this guy.
he's the joke of the day.
See how everyone's staring at him?
That's cos he was running away 'crying' saying that we didnt take picture with him.
Poor boy =)
prediction? My holidays are gonna suck. Suck bad. People have been canceling plans ONE FREAKING DAY before the outing. To think about it, I always think what to wear and get my hopes up before the outing just to get it shoot down in the end. Now, even my mom is annoyed cos it always goes this way:
morning: mom, i'm going out tmr.
afternoon: nevermind, it got cancelled.
evening: the plan is back on, i'm going out tmr.
night: neverminddddd.
it's pretty annoying if you ask me. So i'm tired of this already. i don't want to sound mean but, if you guys want me out, tell me when you ALREADY confirmed, because
everytime i go out, i have to tell my mom and my bro to arrange transport, and it is not easy when both your parents leave the house freaking early in the morning to work, your brother has college or refuses to fetch you and when your house is somewhere on hill and public transports are like 1000 km away.
I think i've done ranting about my outing plans.. PLANS.. no hard feelings. I understand if people dont want me out thinking that inviting me is so much trouble. it's okay. i'll just stay home and do the notice board thing that no one will even look at for more than 10 seconds. I'll just stay home, eat, sleep, watch tv and grow fat. =)
p.s : just so certain people know, yes i'm FREAKING PISSED OFF. and no its no one's fault .
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